10 Ways to Bring Positive Energy into Your Home

10 Ways to Bring Positive Energy into Your Home

Are you seeking things that bring positive energy in a home? Never underestimate the power of meaningful household items to enhance your overall quality of life. After all, happiness at home is everything! Discover how to bring positive energy into your home in fun and unique ways with these ten tips.

#1: Himalayan Salt Lamps

Did you know that Himalayan salt lamps are natural air purifiers? They also exude negative ions, which can help to promote positive energy, making you feel more relaxed at home. Bonus points that they’re absolutely beautiful!

#2: Healing Crystals

Get rid of the negative energy that you may feel with healing crystals. Place crystals in a bowl close by or wear crystal jewelry. By doing so, you can absorb unwanted energies. Besides being some of the best things that bring positive energy in a home, they add a nice visual touch to an outfit or room.

#3: Elephants

Yes, elephants. Did you know that elephants are considered a sacred symbol in feng shui? They are seen as guardians or protectors of the house. Place an elephant with its trunk facing upwards and toward the front door for good luck and protection.

#4: Lighting

Lighting can refer to both natural and man-made, so let’s start with natural. Natural lighting stimulates the production of vitamin D, which is responsible for making people feel happier. So open up those windows, and let in as much natural light as you can. It makes the room feel brighter, and more positive. Out of all things that bring positive energy in a home, sunlight is one of the most effective!

Decorative lights, such as lamps or even string-lights can add great ambience to a room. When the sun goes down, these lights will set the mood at home, helping you to relax at the end of a long day. As you explore how to bring positive energy into your home, you’ll find that removing darkness — quite literally — goes a long way in elevating the overall atmosphere.

#5: Scents

Find a scent that makes you happy, whether it’s from a candle, incense, or essential oil. If you’re not sure where to start, try vanilla. Wafting vanilla is one of the proven things that bring positive energy in a home! According to a 2004 study, participants who took a whiff of vanilla experienced feelings of joy and relaxation.

#6: House Plants

Bring nature indoors and you’ll be reaping a number of health benefits. Research says that having plants in your home can help reduce stress and anxiety. They also improve air quality.

#7: Pink Candles

Did you know that lighting a pink candle can bring the energy of peace, love, and kindness? It adds the perfect pop of color, too.

#8: Beautiful Decor

How you decorate your home can directly affect how you feel. Paintings, posters, statues, vases, family photos, and rugs are all things that bring positive energy in a home! If you’re tired of looking at that blank wall, find the perfect piece of art to hang (or make it yourself). Surround yourself with beauty, and that positive energy will radiate around and within.

#9: A Pet

As you look into how to bring positive energy into your home, consider adopting a new family member! Countless scientific studies have shown that pet ownership directly improves mental health. Even if you’re not ready for the responsibilities that come with having a dog or cat, a smaller pet like a hamster or lizard could be an easily manageable companion.

#10: Meaningful Jewelry

While you’re looking for things that bring positive energy in a home, be sure to browse our jewelry collections. We offer a wide variety of meaningful, eco-friendly pieces with powerful symbols, including bracelets, necklaces, rings, earrings, and more. Not sure where to start? Our Balance + Harmony, Strength + Protection, and Faith + Hope collections all embody positivity in its many forms.

We hope these ten ideas bring some positive vibes to your home sweet home! Of course, learning how to bring positive energy into your home isn’t a one-size-fits all process! Everyone’s journey is unique, so take the time to explore your options and see what works for you. When you look good, you feel good, so don’t overlook fashion as one of the absolute best things that bring positive energy in a home. Shop our collections now to find affordable, meaningful jewelry that brings out your positive spirit from within.

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