Common Good Luck Charms That Inspire Positivity

Common Good Luck Charms That Inspire Positivity

We all know about four-leaf clovers and attracting the “luck of the Irish” on St. Patrick’s Day. Who doesn’t want to imagine a boost of positive energy and the good things that could happen in their life by wearing a symbol of good luck? Ireland isn’t the only home to good luck charms. In fact, there are many lucky symbols to be discovered across history and cultures.

Good luck charms meaning has origins in the spoken word. Originally manifested as spiritual blessings or songs, “charms” eventually were believed to be more lasting as solid objects, so the good luck charm became coveted as a way to invite the good and ward off the negative. Read on to learn more about the most powerful good luck charms and their meanings.


Shamrock – While shamrocks, or clovers, along with leprechauns and green beer, are known today as an iconic symbol of St. Patrick’s Day, they are ancient good luck symbols. The idea of wealth or “rolling in clover” predates St. Patrick himself who lived during the 5th century. 

The clover as a good luck charm originated with the ancient Druids who believed that carrying a shamrock helped them see and avoid evil spirits. The four-leaf clover, with its rarity, was viewed as especially powerful (there is only one four-leaf for every 10,000 three-leaf clover).

Digging a little deeper, every leaf in the clover symbolizes good omens for faith, hope, love, and luck for the finder. Inspired? Check out our complete four-leaf clover jewelry collection.

Horseshoe – Ever wonder why Lucky Charms™ Cereal includes a marshmallow horseshoe? It’s a strong good luck charm that dates back to ancient Egypt, thought to deflect evil and attract good fortune. 

When the Celts introduced the idea of good luck charms and superstition to northern Europe, horseshoes were hung above doorways to ward off the evil goblins and mischievous fairies that were thought to roam the woods. The shoes were said to resemble the Celtic moon god’s crescent symbol, and they derived their power from being crafted with the lucky elements of iron and fire. In those times, the symbol was hung ends up to act as a collecting bowl for luck.

Horses are also a powerful symbol in eastern feng shui, believed to attract prosperity and good luck. Catch your own luck with our Crystal Horseshoe Charm Bangle. 

Found Coins. “Find a penny, pick it up. All day long you’ll have good luck.” Do you know the story behind that rhyme? In the days before e-pay or credit cards, or even paper bills, metal coins were the only recognized currency, carrying the mystique of wealth and abundance.

When money was scarce, people saw a found coin as a special gift from the gods and believed the shiny surface would be a hedge of protection against bad luck. Over time, the two sides of the coin came into play. If you found a penny with the heads side up, you should pick it up for good luck. If the tails side was up, it should be turned over for another person to find later. In these days of inflation, a penny may not be very spendable, but it might bring you some much-welcome luck.

Feathers. Native Americans believe every living creature has a soul so, for them, the lightest of feathers carries significant weight and meaning. The feather is associated with multiple areas of significance including symbolizing courage and strength, justice, and truth, as well as new beginnings. 

Across many cultures, the feather also represents a link to the sacred and heavenly realms. From ancient tribesmen to people today, a feather falling to earth is seen as a message from above, often from a loved one who has passed away. Others see feathers as a symbol of transition or transformation, even lightness and buoyancy in the face of the things that weigh us down. 

Wear your lucky feather on your wrist with our feather pull chain bracelet or explore our other feather designs

Jade. No other stone carries the symbolic significance and mystery of jade. The imperial gem of ancient China, Jade is the feng shui stone of luck and has been carried by individuals for centuries as a talisman to attract health and good fortune to the wearer. Jade, in all its many color variations, is believed to have a strong “chi” or energy that radiates through your body, giving you wisdom, energy, and ultimately, success. 

The smooth sea-green stone is also the color of money and a natural attractor of wealth and business success. In its white form, Jade is a powerful symbol for inner healing and strong relationships with others. In the Americas, the ancient Aztecs and Mayans revered Jade as a stone of magic and prized it even more than their precious gold. It was thought to dispel negativity and provide protection from one’s enemies. 

Today, Jade is one of the most common good-luck charms carried by people traveling to the gambling mecca of Las Vegas, who wear their Jade totems in forms as diverse as pendants to small frogs (another symbol of prosperity). 

Evil Eye. Rather than attracting good luck, the powerful evil eye good luck charm protects the wearer from bad luck. Also known as the “lucky eye” the evil eye originated from the symbol for the Eye of Horus, or the great protector, in ancient Egypt and can be found in clay tablets over 5,000 years old from Mesopotamia, an ancient region in Western Asia. 

The Evil Eye design transcends cultural lines and is part of Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, and Hindu culture. In the arid climate of Turkey, where life-giving water is a precious commodity, the most popular evil color is a clear deep blue representing fresh water.  Browse through our many and varied evil eye designs to find your perfect wearable lucky charm to ward off evil.

To explore more meaningful iconic charms that inspire positivity, explore our full collection of symbol designs.

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