Angela Braniff, Warrior of The Soul

Angela Braniff, Warrior of The Soul

Meet the Warriors behind our new campaign. This fall, we called on real-life leaders who aren’t afraid to go within to let their light out. From the symbolic pieces they wear to the powerful stories they tell, see why these spiritual trailblazers are redefining what it means to be a warrior.


Tell us who you are in a few words: Mompreneur, chasing babies while chasing my dreams!

What does being a spiritual warrior mean to you?
Someone who seeks to grow, learn and improve while fighting for what sets their soul on fire.
Tell us about a moment that changed the course of your life.
The moment I walked into a dusty and despair filled orphanage in Congo and wrapped my arms around my son for the first time is what changed the course of my life. I spent a month in DRC working to bring him home, and in that time I learned about what really matters in life. I left a changed woman, with a new perspective and a deeper sense of gratitude.
What gives you the courage to keep going?
My kids, especially Rosie. She left everything she had to know for 4 ½ years in China behind and ran willingly and openly into my arms and into her new life in America. She was brave in a way I could never be. I look into the eyes of all my babies and I know we must do better for them. They deserve the world.
Tell us your story in three sentences. Who are you really?
I’m a recovering people pleaser, who found the real secret to life is to live boldly and authentically. By day I’m a mama to seven, through birth and adoption, but I’m so much more than that too. I’m a dreamer, a creator, an entrepreneur, and an advocate.
Which fall piece speaks to you most and why?
The “mom” bracelet is my favorite. I’ve had many titles in this world thus far, but “Mom” has been the greatest thing I will ever be or do.
When it comes to picking pieces to wear, what do you look for?
Versatility. I love to wear jewelry with jeans and a basic t-shirt, but then be able to dress it up for a date night or "mom’s night out".
Do you wear the same jewelry every day or switch it up?
I have a few staple pieces that I wear almost every day, but I love to mix up my earring and bracelets especially!
Tell us a little about each of your picks for your curated boutique. What inspired your choices? What do you love about each one?
Chain Station: We mama’s are so proud of our babies. Having a visual reminder that is so beautiful is a great way to feel like your kids are always with you! I love the 14k gold pull chain bracelets. These combine so many things that have a deep meaning to me. Feathers and arrows have always been representative of my children and motherhood to me. The cross signifies my deep faith that has helped me through the darkest times in my life. Elephant Bangles: These are some of my favorite pieces in the collection, the colors are my absolute favorite and the meaning of strength is near and dear to me. I think it takes so much inner strength to keep going some days. Motherhood can be a thankless job with long hours. You need so much inner strength to make it through the hard days. And lots of coffee. Meditating Eye: Stealing away moments for ourselves is one of my greatest pieces of advice for moms. Taking time to care for yourself, to fill up your own cup for you pour out lavishly on those around you. Rings: I love stacking jewelry, and these rings are so perfect for that. As soon as I saw the Wonder Woman ring I knew it had to be apart of my boutique! Everything she stands for resonates with, fighting for what is right and good, helping those whose can’t help themselves and being bold and brave. She’s a kick-ass chick!
Tell us about a piece that helps you tell your story / share your truth.
All the pieces with feathers are very close to my heart. When I think about my home or nest, I imagine how I was like a mama bird, flying all over the world to gather my babies and bring them home. It reminds me of Psalm 84:3:
“Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young-- a place near your altar, LORD Almighty, my King and my God.”
Are any of these pieces gift-worthy? Which ones and who would you give them to.
You can’t go wrong gifting any of the 14k gold bracelets. They are timeless and beautiful. Simple enough for even the minimal jewelry wearer, but able to be stacked and built up for those who love to really go bold.
What inspired you to collaborate with ALEX AND ANI?
It was my honor and privilege to collaborate with a brand that is empowering women all around the world! To make a difference in their communities, be strong and unafraid, these are all character traits I believe so strongly in and they type of people I gravitate towards. Fierce world changers. I’m proud to be associated with such a company.
What’s your favorite symbol and why? Why would you wear this product?
I love the arrow symbol. I have a tattoo on my right arm with 7 arrows, one for each of my babies. They’ve taught me to be fearless and a warrior of a mother. This symbol represents so much pride and honor for me.
What three words would you use to describe our products?

Creative, Meaningful and beautiful.

Follow Angela on Instagram: @thegatherednest Stay on the lookout for all of the Warriors this fall sharing their stories. Be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more!

Photography: @foxtailphoto

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